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Alf in new Maximum Effort Commericals

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Alf in new Maximum Effort Commericals

Post by Melmacpizza »

Plus a link with more details on another show coming this weekend “Maximum Moments” (I’m not quite sure what this entails since the description is a bit vague) - ... 235446309/#!
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Adeline McQuack
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Re: Alf in new Maximum Effort Commericals

Post by Adeline McQuack »

Roughly a year and a half later, and it looks like we may be getting another batch of commercials!

A picture has been released on X/Twitter by an account named Alex Tran (not sure if he works on these commercials in the crew or not), depicting Ryan Reynolds, Paul Fusco, and the ole' ALFer himself on the set of the commercials. Based on the shirt Gordon is wearing in the picture (which is not one of the shirts he wore in the last set of commercials), I can guess that this is a new picture and not one from the last set that just now got released. I find it weird that it wasn't posted by Ryan Reynolds himself, so I don't know for sure if it wasn't intended to be released. I'll post the link to the post on X/Twitter, but if it's breaking a forum rule or if I need to take it down because it wasn't supposed to be released, I will take it out of the post. I know, I'm probably just being paranoid. There's nothing in the image that breaks the illusion behind ALF, as he's behind the couch like he typically is. But it's a pretty cool image.

Here's the link to the post:

All wariness aside, it's great that we may be getting something this year!

Also...spam. It's happening everyday. I have no idea where these accounts came from and have no idea how we're going to stop it.

EDIT: After looking into it a bit, it appears that Reynolds did post this first in his Instagram story.
"Naaaah, that's too stupid...I'll do it anyway."
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Calmly Taken Flame
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Re: Alf in new Maximum Effort Commericals

Post by Calmly Taken Flame »

Great to hear ALF in an ad, but I cannot stand that reynolds idiot, he`s ruined all but one film I`ve ever seen him in.

Cocaine is a bad drug, stay away from it kids.
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